Monday, February 11, 2008

the lenten diet

deciding to cut meat and soda from my daily dosage of food consumption is a rather strenuous, and formidable, task if I may say so myself. I've only successfully completed it once, and my other attempts weren't so properous. But, I think it's something I could do for God for forty days in a year.

So far, Week 1 of no meat-eating or soda-drinking has been going well. It's been all about pastas or vegetable lo mein for me. Some salad and some passionfruit juice. Fruits and cherry jello (which is nasty actually, tastes like medicine). Freaking meat and and soda actually put a toll on my health actually. But once I gave it up, that's when food in the cafeteria started becoming good. Honey bbq chicken? Teriyaki stir fry? Swiss bacon burger? Thanks a crapload. As if the Pepsi dispenser isn't enough temptation...

At least I didn't give up ice cream or yogurt. I seriously would not be able to go on.

Hello clam chowder.

And menus with the "*vegetarian" next to them.

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