Friday, September 26, 2008

the sidekick stories 06

the new school year has begun and the pictures come rolling out...

Pretty delicious. Pretty cute.
Some adolescents decided it would be a great idea to scratch out some of the letters and lines from this IKEA ad in the store.
They were right (especially the last word).
This is Risha's C3P0 keychain.
This is my Stormtrooper keychain.
Marielle and the indecencies of two-layered visors.
Lounging in my bedroom, thinking about the stressful days ahead.
Andy Warhol is awesome. It pretty much resonates when he can make something so simple look so cool.
Okay, this chick needs to go back to a time machine. I haven't seen this type of hairstyle firsthand before.
The Dark Knight, starring Julian Pabicon as the Joker.
"I was smiling inside the mask."
Hollywood Chihuahua, starring Marissa Vanilla as The Nerdy Dog.
I would like to introduce you to my bruise.
Yes, the one I got from slipping in the shower.
I named it Estupido.
Welcome to my new apartment!
This is the kitchen area, where we like to...toast bagels and...make fried rice.
This is the area to the right side of the apartment where Cynthia and Nancy live.
This is the living room, where we recently hooked up a large TV to watch on.
This is Frances' and my bathroom.
...and our awesome shower curtain...
...our toilet (keke)...hey, I wanted to give you guys the whole experience...
...and my room!
This is my comfy ass bed...
...and my 9-inch television as well as my workspace.

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour! Come and visit Frances, Nancy, Cynthia, and I (and our new maltese yorkie Porkchop, coming soon!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

slip n'slide

usually it's pretty funny when you witness someone slip or just plain eat it. But it totally sucks major balls when you're actually the klutzy person.

Today, I slipped.

And sure, I could mean that in the most metaphorical sense you can possibly imagine. For example, I slipped and fell into unknown territory when the boy I had been seeing for a few weeks told me he loved me. Or, I slipped into the mode of thinking that eco-friendly notebooks and filler paper would save the world when I saw how disastrous normal notebooks and filler paper are. I mean, there could be plenty of ways to reinvent the phrase "I slipped." And honestly, for once, I wish I did have a metaphorical reason to say those two simplistic words. But I don't. It's purely literal.

Bona fide shit.
I'm talking about I totally just ate it.
Not to mention, it was in the tub.

I seriously am not lying when I was super close to have some sort of liquid come out of my tear ducts. But to tell you the truth, this isn't the first time I've slipped and fell in the shower. It's the second time, yes, I've paid my dues. But that first experience was years ago. Over the past few years, I told myself that it wouldn't hurt so much: I mean, how dangerous could a tub be?

Way dangerous. Everybody get dangerous, everybody get dangerous.

Ladies and gentlemen! Step right up! See the most accident-prone being on the face of the planet! Take a gander at her HUGE red bump on her hip! It will frighten young children, so be warned. This isn't for the faint of heart.

Marissa, you're lame.
Cry me a river.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

they ask why

and I say, "because he tells me:"

I miss you when you leave me.
I love how you bring me lunch at work.
I'm sorry I always fall asleep after we eat.
I get really tired.
I love how you let me sleep after we eat.
Sorry if I am a little grumpy.
But work makes me grumpy.
I owe you gas money and gas money.

I think the lone act of appreciating someone is truly a charismatic feature in a person. It's so simple, yet so rewarding.

If I could say what I wanna say, I'd say I wanna blow you away.
Be with you every night; am I squeezing you too tight?

If I could say what I wanna see, I wanna see you go down on one knee.
Marry me today; I guess I'm wishing my life away...
with these things I'll never say.

*Don't ask me why I look like a little kid.

Friday, September 12, 2008

the word fucked

go look it up on Out of those definitions, these are the ones that are hitting dangerously close to home:

- to be doomed to misery in the near future.
- doomed or destined for failure.
- utterly screwed.
- the state of having no future.
- to be in the worst possible situation at the most inappropriate time; usually spoken in accordance with the word "up" in a coarse manner.

As for, their terms are somewhat more...encouraging, to say the least?

- to bungle or botch; ruin.
- to act stupidly or carelessly; cause trouble; mess up.
- to act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.

No, I take that back. Totally not encouraging. Rather, just another way to bring myself back to the reality that is my "fucked up" life and deal with it. Somehow. I think that website just has a much more scholarly way of spitting out the truth that is the word.

My heart rate has undeniably increased at such an alarming rate and the cause of this future cardiac arrest is the entire concoction of registration fees, late fees, parental reactions, chemistry classes, financial issues, my lack of motivation, my procrastination, and not to mention my own "what-the-fuck-are-you-doing-Marissa?!" antics. I'm turning 20 in 3 months, and yet I haven't grown up. This, unbeknownst to me until now, creates yet another conflict in my already UGH-life-stress-list. I have to figure out what to entitle my blog in 3 months, seeing as how I won't be a teenager anymore. What will I be referred to as? Tales from a Trivial Twenty-Something?! Mildly entertaining perhaps. (If you have any clever and quirky ideas, let me know.) Sigh, and the alliteration managed so well these past few months.

Why, oh why, does my life have to be so complicated? Someone kidnap me. Quick. Take me to a park. Take me to a swing set. And I want someone swinging next to me, telling me "everything's gonna be alright" over and over again.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

case file 04

i don't know what it is, but my motivation has been decreasing at an accelerating rate. I've just been so overwhelmed nowadays with things that have clouded my mind for the past few months. I'm learning new things about myself, these all-around case files, and they're just complicated puzzle pieces that I need to put together by the end of my lifetime.

My willingness to succeed has been gradually dwindling away to God knows where. It's a horrifying thought. Today, my entire viewpoint on academics completely changed. But here's the thing, I don't know if I'm actually motivated to spark a change in my life; to actually do something to make it better. Every time I say that I'm ready to pump it up, it just doesn't happen the way I imagined it. To tell you the truth, I'm still stuck in high-school-mode and that, my friends, is not doing anything to improve my life whatsoever. I hate knowing that tomorrow is another day that leads to my future and I loathe the fact that I have to do something about it to actually come out the way I want to. That's why life is so difficult nowadays.

I'm not sure if I need someone to push me to do better, or some catastrophic event to keep me grounded, but I just found out that my life is a catastrophe as is. It's catastrophic in the sense that it's both a blessing and a curse. Sure, I need a little oomph in my life, that little spectacular unexpected, spur-of-the-moment freedom to keep me balanced. But as of right now, the negative catastrophe is weighing in and its consequences will be the end of me...well, so I reckon.

Someone help me gain an incentive.
I need the motive to grasp what the world calls life... well as my future.
(which I am COMPLETELY terrified of.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

notable quotables

summer has been quite the time to come across some inspiring, powerful, not-so-inspiring, silly, witty, stupid quotes and I thought I'd share some with you that have made my summer a little bit more illustrious.

-Fuck that man. No one disrespects my girl. Find out where he stays and I'll egg his place.

-I hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for 20 minutes straight, and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight without an ounce of selfishness to it.

-I heard this road is haunted.
-Haunted by what?! Cows?

-Maybe I ate something moldy. Now I'm gonna get cancer.

-If I could make someone dead with my mind, it would be you.

-Here's my thought on what we should do with this whole Mason thing. Once a week, we get some of my brother's loser ass friends to go over to Mason's house, ring his doorbell, and when he answers, they're just gonna BANG! junk-punch him right up in his man-business, and then he's gonna keel over; while he's writing on the ground screaming "WHY!!!," they'll go "YOU know why!"

-This is called multi-tasking in the power-bitch world.

-Well, she was a hamster, and now she's a guinea pig.

-Did you know I'm protective of you?

-I can't just sit here and have coffee with you. I love you. I know the other night didn't mean for you what it did for me, but I don't regret it and I haven't stopped thinking about it since is happened, and not just because it was great, which it was. But because it was right, it was so right, Lor. And you may not see that right now, but I do. And if I have to wait until we're both 80 years old for you to see it, then I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere. This is it for me, you're it for me. And I can't pretend to feel less that I do. I'm sorry.

-I'd still sleep on a park bench with you.
-Name the bench.

-Yeah, I went to the zoo, and now I'm a koala bear.

-She used the phrase "total internal destruction." Although I'm proud, total internal destruction? That sounds bad-ass.

Go find out where these quotes are from, why doncha? Oh please don't, it will demonstrate your lack of life. However, if these quotes ring any bells from your superior knowledge, then I congratulate you and give you a high five because that shows your well-roundedness...if that makes any sense whatsoever.


Just a mini-Alcocer Anecdote slash notable quotable for you:
m: crap, i'm scared haha
d: of what?
m: my practical, lol
d: pish posh, why would you fear such a trivial event in the universe.
m: because this trivial event leads to a grade that will practically place me in my status in that universe.
d: the universe care about a grade you got that YOU don't even care about?
d: foux de fa fa.