Monday, January 26, 2009


relationships have their ups and downs. This conversation is an up:

k: i want to grab you and squeeze you tight
m: =( that's exactly what i want right now
m: i was thinking about that today
k: me too
k: why do you read people's blogs?
m: because they're interesting! lol
m: and i like pictures
k: i really don't understand them
k: how are they interesting
k: reading about someone else lol
k: maybe even someone you don't know
m: well it actually is better when you don't really know the person that well, because when you read the blog, then you find out more about them lol
k: b`gtvyhbnj gtbfv
k: you know what that was? ^^^
m: you smashing your head against the keyboard in frustration
k: how did you know????
m: because i know my boo =)
k: hahahaha
k: that's awesome
k: that made me smile
m: good
k: you could have said hands, feet, ballz, but no
k: my head haha
m: =)
m: AND because i'd probably do the same thing if you said something weird to me lol
k: haha

I told ya, it's the little things that count. =)

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