Sunday, August 10, 2008

the sidekick stories 05

chemistry isn't exactly my forte; photography from a cell phone, however, is another story. While summer school has been kicking me in the arse as of late, I'd like to take a quick moment to divulge in the recent photographs I have come across (okay, so I took them) of the days that make my life, well, mine. Shall we take a visual stroll? Let's hold hands.

First of all, I'd like to introduce you to one of my greatest friends, Risha. She's a bit of an academics-freak, but I suppose that why everyone loves her so damn much. (Psst, come here. It's actually because she's just a silly girl who makes silly comments who listens to silly music and makes me feel silly.)

This is Risha. She's trying to find her new apartment.

This is her new apartment building.
She was really sad when she found out she was living on the top floor.

I found my own building.

Risha has a tendency to park far from the speaker at a drive-thru.
So she has to lean out. And shout at the speaker.
At this particular occasion, the lady just flat out told her:
"Okay miss, you need to stop yelling."

This is the after effect of late-night studying and lack of coffee.
Or maybe just my superior driving skills.

She woke up though...
when we started to stalk this SUV...
full of hot, topless, white, surfer guys.

Speaking of things I notice while on the freeway...
look, an overturned car.

On a more humorous note,
this is the solution to my fasha's lack of a bluetooth
(due to the new handless phone set law)
and his excess velcro pieces.

The new Chick-fil-A is open.
What's that?
A bird? A plane?
It's a dancing cow holding a sign.
In other news, Robeks is trying something new.
Well, not really new.
But new to Robeks.
Check out the new counter.

My brother came home from Google.
He googles everything.
That googler.

And finally...
this is the photo I show people
when they tell me I'm stupid.

I just think they mistake my awesomeness for the exact opposite. Oh well. Who gives a hoot. Alcocer wanted me to really buy it.

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