Friday, December 19, 2008

fml shifts

good morning one and all. It's 4:41 in the morning of December 19, 2008. I would like to take this moment to wish my cousin a happy 21st birthday, but I'm pretty sure she's off doing what she does best: partying and clubbing. She would not even think about reading this on her birthday, but I would just like to say that the big two-one is a big deal. That's why she's spending the weekend in LOST VEGAS (my soon-to-be-tee). Good luck babe, and just party everything away.

As for me, I just spend my entire night putting shit away. I started work at 6 at night and ended at 245 this morning. WHOO HOO. You can imagine my excitement. I suppose that late night Starbucks field trip with the co-workers before we headed to "work" actually did work; which, to be honest, shouldn't even be surprising. But holy macrole, that was a lot of work.

BUT BUT BUT... make things a little less stressful, it was pay day. =) A nice hefty paycheck is in my possession, just waiting to be deposited. Yay. That gets me super ecstatic.


...because I get out so damn late, it's so cold and dark outside. And I finally get to put my new Uggs to good use. =)

Hooray for money in this crumbling economy.

AND GOSH DARN IT! Gas prices are going back up again! Get 'em while it's still somewhat cheap!

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