Wednesday, December 10, 2008

it's ugg season

and I am in dire need of a pair. My old pair has been eroded to the point where when it does rain, I actually slip around (and at times, slip to my ultimate demise, where I fall straight on my bottom). It truly is a compelling sight to see for yourself. I've never worn them since. I'd like a legit pair that won't wear out on me; one that will "stick" with me through the toughest seasons of rain or snow...or just for show. Yeah, a Classic Tall in chocolate or sand would be preferable. I wouldn't mind a Classic Short either. So if Santa is reading this right now, I've been a good girl. Thanks Santa baby.

So the Christmas season is upon us and I have one thing to say: Praise the heavens for awesome gas prices! I think that's probably one of the best, not to mention early, Christmas presents a college student could possibly wish for. Keep going down! Let's go down to the double digits! I will yearn for the days that they will be a quarter (could you imagine gas being a nickel a gallon like the old days?!) or so at most.

As for Christmas shopping, the economy certainly has made us a tad bit on the loco side. Man trampled to death on Black Friday?! That's amazing and just darn right stupid. What have we to show if we trample people to death or go on mad shootings at Wal-Marts? It's as if you'd rather get arrested and spend a good chunk of your life in prison than spend time with your family on Christmas with some dinky, yet heartfelt gifts. Isn't it the time to just relax and spend time with those you love? Isn't it the season of laughter, love, and caring? Isn't it?! I mean, we just had Thanksgiving. And I won't even begin to elaborate that day of thanks to you. C'mon people, get your act together. If you want gifts at a low price that bad at that store, get a freaking job there so you could get things with a discount and get them before the big Christmas rush. Damn procrastinators.

With the upcoming Christmas season is the upcoming Finals Week. Hooray. Busting out the books that we haven't touched since we first bought them at the beginning of the quarter; doing online homework that could have been done on those weekends you were vegging out; cramming all information the past few weeks have put upon you when you weren't exactly listening because you were staring at the person in front of you playing a game on his laptop; going crazy due to the fact that you realize something was actually due a few days ago...ah, Finals Week, how we all not covet your presence.

Now my favorite part, ladies and gentlemen. Christmas season, Finals Week, and an additional bonus of a gift: my birth. =) In a few days, I will have conquered my teenage years and move on to bigger and better (and older) things. Sha right. I'm still going to be here...sigh. Just a year older. I need to make some drastic change to my life. Like dye my hair pink or get a tattoo. I am going to get a haircut over break, so that'll be something. Maybe I'll get another piercing, I've always wanted one. Yeah, that will be the ticket. But farewell teenage years, hello twenties...and then the big two-one. But then again, what's the fun in that?! Doing things legally and what not...=)

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