Tuesday, November 25, 2008

thank the academy

well, not really, but Thanksgiving is approaching. And for this momentous occasion, I would like to acknowledge those who have impacted my life, whether they may be for colossal deeds or perfectly minuscule nonsense pish posh. To tell you the truth, this is going to sound like a speech said at an award ceremony. So bare with me...

Thank you to my parents, who were perfectly and incandescently in love with each other to make me. Thanks for the continuous amount of money you guys keep spending on my education because I know you have faith in me. It's actually pretty wonderful knowing that you will always be there for me, no matter what the cause. Thank you for believing in me when not many people would. I'm going to say it now, I'm not the most perfect person in the world, but with your guidance and love, I'm pretty sure I can be up there, somewhere. Your corny jokes or your love-filled hugs will keep me strong and sane.Thank you to my friends. There are so many to name, I can't even begin to explain how much you guys have put a new perspective on life. Every moment spent with each of you are unique and perfect in their own special way. I learn something new every time I hang out with one of you. Just recently, someone opened my eyes and told me never to be afraid, to stop searching for approval. He's right. I shouldn't be afraid. I shouldn't fear something I believe so much in. To the friends I haven't truly met or have gotten to know as long as I wanted, I think you guys are probably even closer to me than some of my other friends. You have taught me to think outside of the box and put my brain to good use. I cherish you no less. I don't really care if you're one of my best friends or if we've drifted apart in some way, just know that I still remember. I remember all the things you do for me, paquito or grande. I have the pictures to prove how much you guys have made me one of the happiest girls around. So thank you. To the gazillionth power.

Bowie, you deserve your own special shout-out because not only have you been there through my incessant annoyance of a social life, but I know I can count on you to bring a smile and laughter to each day I breathe. I exist because of you, as mind-boggling as that is to comprehend. I love the comments you make about the most random of things and how you're always willing to quench my thirst every Tuesday morning. I don't care if I have to paint your nails (or even your toenails) every day; any time spent with you brings a beam of light to my heart. Know that. =)

To that special boy in my life, I probably have laid out how much I love you so many times. But I honestly DGAF. Now you, my friend, have taught me more than I could possibly imagine about life, about me even. You've taught me so many things, but above all: to live and love. My life wasn't as great before I met you, but now that I have, it's an amazing feeling. You held my hand during the most difficult of times and exposed me to new experiences by taking me places I've never been before. You showed me how to love, which is something that not many people in the world get to experience for themselves. I can't imagine what I would do without you. I'd probably be sleeping all day with all that free time. But you always seem to keep me up by allowing me to think about stuff, as weird as that sounds. Let's just say you broaden my mind. I thank you for all of that and much more.
Thank you to my little brother, I know I haven't really said this enough, but I love you. It's weird, now that I think about it. In the beginning, I seriously would give you a hard time because, I'm just going to put it out there, you were the youngest. You got to be spoiled with gifts and you received most of the attention. But now, older and wiser (I hope), I don't really care about that stuff. I wished for a little sibling and I got one. And now he's some kind of super stud who towers over me with his obnoxious height and deep voice. It's amazing how far you've come in life. So thanks for the laughter you've brought to my life because sometimes I admire your mind. You come up with the craziest, yet completely understandable, ideas in the world. I love your sense of humor. It keeps me alive...even if you are still a dweeb in my book.

1 comment:

ryanskeet said...

youre posts are always so cute, especially when they talk about karl! :]

and omg.. whenever im in the area.. its always wrong timing or something, but now i know!! aha