Monday, March 17, 2008

inept dweeb

do you remember that scene from Matilda when Miss Trunchbull is expected to come and Miss Honey's class has to prepare the room by taking down all the posters of normal teachings and art projects? That's how it is when my parents decide to come to my dorm.

Not only do I have this monstrosity of a "PROM?" poster on my wall (which I'm still in love with), I have numerous snapshots of friends and my boyfriend. Now, don't get me wrong, it's true, the pictures that go through the whole picking-out process have to be ones that I still look good in. But when my parents decide to come to town, it's a fiasco in my dorm. Silly pictures must come down because I'm afraid they may come some kind of stir within the family; boyfriend pictures are down too what with the whole lack of knowledge of such a thing in my life; receipts that show I've spent a little more than average are down; trash is taken out; room is air freshened; all my clothes are properly folded back and put into place (sort of); and my bedsheets neatly tucked in as if I were staying at a high class hotel. Yep, it's the story of Matilda for you.

But I'm guessing it would be much easier if I had her powers to do all that stuff. Then I wouldn't have to wake up so damn early.

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