Monday, March 10, 2008

mute melancholy

it's pretty tough, coming from me--but you've changed. I can't really explain it and I'm not quite sure if it's beneficial or not. But nevertheless, you have changed.

Things used to be so much simpler, innocent if you will. And I understand that life throws punches at people and obstacles come strolling along tiring to divert us from doing what we initially intended on doing...but I don't know what to say about what I see. In the past, it just seemed so perfect. Don't get me wrong, things are pretty great now, seriously. But now that I have something to look back on and's just hard to explain. You've changed. You're doing things that I didn't think you would do. I'm not sure what the source is, but I have a pretty good idea.

You are my hero: someone I see as invincible; someone that never gives in; someone that doesn't care what anyone else thought; someone that goes with the flow; someone that accepts me for who I am. But something changed and it has hit me with such a miniscule force making it inexplicable in terms of how I feel. But for right now, I am in shock, for lack of a better word. I never had to live up to expectations for you...but for right now, I feel as if I do.

Sometimes I just wish that I could go back.
Back to those times when I saw you for you.

Where did you go?
I want you back...
I miss you... bad.

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