Thursday, July 10, 2008

aldridge girls

forget Gilmore Girls, it's all about the soon-to-be Aldridge Girls now, baby. That is, Jamie Lynn Spears and her new kid, Maddie Briann.

I'm sorry, I just have to get this out. Jamie Lynn is now, officially, a bonafide milf. I admit, it'd be really cool to have a mom who was just a mere 16 years older than you like in Gilmore Girls. That way, you'd have more in common and rules would be stretched out just for you. Let's hope Jamie Lynn and her kid are the best of friends because sweetheart, you won't have any (nor a social life) with that bundle of joy you got there. Here is a little something I was reading that I thought was rather silly:

"We get up in the morning, and she gets her little bath. Then I get my bath. We have a routine, and I love routines. I've worked one out with her, and we're happy going about our little life."

Does anyone else think it's weird that Jamie said that she "gets her bath"? I picture Brit's little sis bathing her newborn, then Lynne Spears coming in to bathe Jamie Lynn, rubber duckies and all.

And a wedding for the sixteen year old? I can't even imagine. There's just so many things wrong with that. What would they serve at the reception -- chicken nuggets and juice boxes? And if the bride is sixteen are the flower girls zygotes?

Oh, the 21st century. Poor child, she has so many years ahead of her. I mean...she had so many years ahead of her. I think it was just a scandal, maybe a way to outdo her older sis. Yeah, Britney had it all: beauty, sex appeal, great hair, killer abs...two failed marriages under her belt, two kids who might grow up to be just like their father (God bless those poor children's souls), a former shaved head, a beer belly, a diminishing paycheck that she probably uses to purchase an excessive amount of cigarettes (who would blame the girl? She needs a major stress-reliever if you ask me), an old, ugly ass boyfriend; I'm telling you, she has it all.

Jamie Lynn: you have shed new light to the term "girl power." Alright kid, you're on your own.

Lynne Spears: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR CHILDREN?! You should be ashamed of yourself.

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