Monday, July 21, 2008

jam-packed jelly (ss04/aa04)

extra! Extra! Read all about it! I've decided to create a compilation of some infamous blogs of mine in order to sum up the past few days of the life of this trivial teen, all smushed together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which I would totally go for right about now). However, due to time constraints, each portion will be somewhat shorter than these normal infamous said blogs. So for your viewing pleasure...

the Sidekick Stories 04
How come the School of Engineering has such an awesome display?!

Karl, take note of this. I want these. I want green roses, with a touch of yellow. Do you want me to shower you with my love? Get these for me because I saw them, and fell in love.

I saw the cutest couple walking back from class. Tall ass guy, tiny little girl.

Yeah, I want a white polo. And a black one. My birthday is in approximately 5 months. Thank you for asking.

The last movie poster is titled: Bangkok Dangerous. Enough said.
This was the reason why Risha and I were a few minutes late to class: a burnt down Lambo on the freeway.

the Alcocer Anecdotes 04
alcocer's away message: llirg
me: living large in real ghetto
me: let limes imagine roasted goat
me: lifting large intimate rocky ghouls
me: lurking lands inside rusted garages
me: lumpy laundry irritates rugged guys
me: let lorraine imitate ryan gustavo
me: luscious lips identify red gills
da: ur a silly girl
da: it's just grill spelled backwards
da: u think too hard =]

And for your viewing pleasure...
Cinematic Strictures
Better Off Dead
This is, by far, one of my favorite movies from the 80's of all-time. Incessant newspaper boys asking for late monetary dues of 2 dollars. A heavyset social outcast weighing in on the price to woo the French foreign exchange student, as well as being pushed by his mother to make a damn move. The supercilious popular guy who is not a superstar at basketball (shocker!) nor football (what the?!) nor soccer (oh my!) nor baseball (you've got to be kidding me!) nor swimming (tell us already!), but rather is a skiing god. Then there's the in-between dude. I say in-between meaning he's not a complete dorkwad, nor is he the best of friends with Mr. Supercilious. He did, however, come close to it. Mr. Supercilious is now dating the love of his life, his ex-girlfriend. Of course, it's the stereotypical fact that she'd go for someone like Ski-Man, the heart of young Sir In-Between has been crushed and is now looking into ways to end his life from heartbreak and sorrow. It doesn't get any better than that. Plus, Momma's Boy's mother explodes.

V for Vendetta
I've always wanted to watch this movie. And the time finally came. I'm only sad this movie couldn't have been made before my junior research paper. It would have been such an awesome movie to put alongside Equilibrium and the book Fahrenheit 451. Damn, my research paper would have been the epitome of "da bomb." It was along the lines of Boringsville in the beginning, but pretty darn snazzy onward. It was a trippy movie that held such an exuberance of themes and plot twists. I don't even really know how to explain it. Natalie Portman gives an outstanding performance (not to mention she's still hot with her head shaved) as Evey, part damsel in distress, part freedom-fighter. Nothing short of amazing.

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