summer has been quite the time to come across some inspiring, powerful, not-so-inspiring, silly, witty, stupid quotes and I thought I'd share some with you that have made my summer a little bit more illustrious.
-Fuck that man. No one disrespects my girl. Find out where he stays and I'll egg his place.
-I hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for 20 minutes straight, and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight without an ounce of selfishness to it.
-I heard this road is haunted.
-Haunted by what?! Cows?
-Maybe I ate something moldy. Now I'm gonna get cancer.
-If I could make someone dead with my mind, it would be you.
-Here's my thought on what we should do with this whole Mason thing. Once a week, we get some of my brother's loser ass friends to go over to Mason's house, ring his doorbell, and when he answers, they're just gonna BANG! junk-punch him right up in his man-business, and then he's gonna keel over; while he's writing on the ground screaming "WHY!!!," they'll go "YOU know why!"
-This is called multi-tasking in the power-bitch world.
-Well, she
was a hamster, and now she's a guinea pig.
-Did you know I'm protective of you?
-I can't just sit here and have coffee with you. I love you. I know the other night didn't mean for you what it did for me, but I don't regret it and I haven't stopped thinking about it since is happened, and not just because it was great, which it was. But because it was right, it was so right, Lor. And you may not see that right now, but I do. And if I have to wait until we're both 80 years old for you to see it, then I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere. This is it for me, you're it for me. And I can't pretend to feel less that I do. I'm sorry.
-I'd still sleep on a park bench with you.
-Name the bench.
-Yeah, I went to the zoo, and now I'm a koala bear.
-She used the phrase "total internal destruction." Although I'm proud, total internal destruction? That sounds bad-ass.
Go find out where these quotes are from, why doncha? Oh please don't, it will demonstrate your lack of life.
However, if these quotes ring any bells from your superior knowledge, then I congratulate you and give you a high five because that shows your well-roundedness...if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Just a mini-Alcocer Anecdote slash notable quotable for you:
m: crap, i'm scared haha
d: of what?
m: my practical, lol
d: pish posh, why would you fear such a trivial event in the universe.
m: because this trivial event leads to a grade that will practically place me in my status in that universe.
d: the universe care about a grade you got that YOU don't even care about?
foux de fa fa.