Monday, November 24, 2008

password mania

okay, so I just listed out usernames and passwords that I use on a daily basis. I don't know how it came to this or what the hell I was thinking, but from what I've written down, I have at least 14 different passwords, none alike. There could be more that I'm forgetting, who knows. I really don't comprehend how I could have remembered every single one of these (actually, at times, I have and had to reset them).


I just scanned through one of my three email accounts and found a whole mess more. That's a grand total of 19 so far. Curse me and my many password retrievals. I get that I don't want anyone to hack into my accounts, but MAN OH MAN. Seriously, Marissa?

Alright, so I tallied up all of my "known" passwords and it came out to a shocking 24. How do I have the capacity to memorize all these? Oh right, I don't. That's why I have to keep retrieving all of my forgotten usernames or passwords and have them be emailed to me just so I could forget them again.

I'm sorry, but I just had to express how amazing it is that I have such a large number of passwords. There are probably some I'm forgetting still.


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