Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the emotions potion

here is an overview of the latest flood of emotions that have come my way. Enjoy. Or rather, don't enjoy.

^when people drop me off at my dorm and I watch them walk away to go back home
^when there's nothing good to eat or ruin a perfectely good meal
^when I know I run out of shampoo but still have conditioner, or vice versa
^when it hits me that I really can't spend money on things I want (only in case of emergencies)
^when I miss a class because I overslept, thinking of the lecture I missed out on
^when either gender cannot dress themselves in the morning
^when Filipinos act too Filipino
^when I can't get the motivation to work out
^when people can be so utterly and incessantly annoying and they won't shut up
^when my dorm room mess gets so out of control and I don't know where to start

^when dogs come to me from their own freewill to be caressed with my glorious non-perverty hand
^when I get to spend the day how I imagined it and all things went smoothly
^when new clothes come into my possession
^when I am completely confident that I will ace my midterms
^when the leasing offer came in with all my preferences and desired roommates

Study those vocabulary words. Yeah, take them home. Chew them. Savor the flavor.

How ironic...

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