Saturday, June 28, 2008

profoundly listening

recently, I have been word vomiting my way through life, providing insights to things that have troubled me in the past or have touched me as well as got me inquiring about the wonders of the world. I think it my turn to share these experiences of life and the wonderments of what we know as life to the world...through music. So, it brings me great and exciting pleasure to tell you, faithful readers, that I, in collaboration with a former member of The Ready Aim Fire! and Trinitron Meets the Mars People, am currently in the works of making/writing a song. I swear, the summer heat is bringing out the creative juices in people.

However, it's what I will be writing in lyrics that will probably be the most profound part of it all. Settling on just one main thing to talk about is going to be tough. I have a few ideas bouncing around at the top of my head, but I want something to be truly meaningful to get out, something that will touch someone, something that will pull at one's heartstrings, something that will make you pull your car aside while you're driving on the freeway (actually, that would be an unsafe thing to do)...just to listen. Okay, so I'm not quite sure it will be that extreme, but I hope it does reach out to someone, anyone. Once I do that, it'll be a thing that I could say I've done and not many people out there have done. So keep your eyes, mouths, and most especially ears open to the sights and sounds of, well, me. And the collaboration with __________. (Uhh, we need to fix that. PRONTO.)

Bitten by the music bug.

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