Monday, June 2, 2008

word sentence idea (aa01)

it's always a rejuvenating feeling to have conversations that include fun, witty things. Read it all, if you can. It's pretty funny.

Episode 1: The English Literature

D: i heard ur the best dancer
m: WTF
D): everyone
m: be a little more constructive on your feedback lol
mM): who is 'everyone'
m: nawww haha i just havent danced in a while
D: by everyone i of course mean every person currently in existence
D: and by that i mean jenn and arika
m: no wayy....even obama!
m: oh.
m: -___-
D: haha i was gonna say bush actually
D: how funny
D: i thot that would b lame to say tho
m: bush. -___-

m: do you watch alias?
D: nope
m: d'oh
D: i can call u alias tho
D: that would b the best alias ever
m: aaaaahahaha
m: no doubt.
D: i think ill name my child alias
D: and my second one alias number two, that will REALLY confused the hell out of people
m: but what if he/she becomes a secret agent
m: and they really need an alias
D: uhm
D: well then they can jus go by the name of bob
m: oooh tricky.
D: that is tricky
m: poor kid,
D: maybe ill reconsider the name alias
D: just call him/her shitface

D: that was fun game
D: super fun
m: twas*
D: t'was* actually
D: = )
m: -_________-
m: you say the word "ill" and not "i'll" lol
m: lack of punctuation, my friend lol
D: yeah but how often do you type twas in chat
m: a lot.
D: only smart people like us use it/know what it means
m: i also like using fortnight lol
D: what is that
D: 40 days or something
m: -___-
m: 2 weeks lol
D: oh yeah something like that~
D: well then u r super cool, golden star for u missy
m: hoorayyyy
D: actually, thats nerdy
D: half star only
m: damn.
m: so close.
D: u get the other half if u dance well
m: gah.
D: or if u have a funny joke
D: O_o
D: or u just make a clever/funny comment
m: mm.
m: my witty comments just flow whenever.
D: you remind me of a young me
m: i don
D: steady your path, for you are destined for greatness!
m: i don't have a penis.
D: yeah except the whole looking like a man
D: and penis thing
m: hahahaha
D: minor details
m: yeh, just minor.
D: the important details, however, are your mental skills!
m: miniscule things.
m: absolutely.
m: amen to that, brotha.

D: well my train of thought was "alias sounds like aeris, wait she wont know what aeris is, oh wait but what if she has played final fantasy 7, oh so just ask her, ok, ill ask her"
m: LMAO what a cool train of thought
m: and aeris IS a coool name
m: its like erin. but like. eris.
D: word
D: so i take it u havent played any ff games
m: sentence.
D: :*(
D: idea
m: phrase.
D: what the
D: u cant go from idea to phrase
m: oh. i thought we were just naming literature-ish things.
D: no there was a clear hierarchy here
D: word makes sentence
D: sentence makes idea
m: hmm, didn't see that one coming.
D: idea makes ______ (ur turn)
m: hmm...
m: this one is hard.
m: man.
m: why do i get the hard one.
m: that's what she said.
D: no the hard one is going to be after idea...
D: lol no
D: that's what YOU said
D: but you did = \
D: which means, u get the hard one
D: oh zing~!~!
m: GAH
D: u appear to have a high-quality taste/respect in/for comedy

D: r u asian
m: you asked me this before!
m: hahahaha
D: o
D: no that was a dream
D: i dont forget things
m: no T'WAS not a dream
D: double negative
D: twas a dream
D: exactly
m: i was sitting right next to you.
D: actually u were at my left
D: but.
D: yeah but u said right
D: moving on
m: BAH
D: so
D: wat r u
m: what do you think i am
D: some latin american + asianness
m: ooooh impressive
D: or jus filipino
m: ooooh impressive
D: ok im over it
D: anyways
m: lmao
D: i jus rememberd
D: ur the person
D: who thinks
D: u like fotc more than i
m: i don't think.
m: i KNOW.
D: uh
D: correction
D: think
m: uh correction. KNOW.
D: i will lay the smack down if i have to
D: O_O
m: is that so
D: word
D: so
D: step off this.
m: i don't step off. i step UP like channing tatum.

m: i cower at the name of chemistry.
D: you fear the understanding of a subject
D: tis but a state of mind to learn something
m: i fear all that is chemistry.
D: ~_~
D: for shame
D: i call bogus
D: ur acting!
m: i shant lie to you. i would have been in the acting biz. but i refused. but chemistry still remains where it stands in my book: NUMERO UNO on THINGS TO COWER
D: is there a reasonable and logical argument for this, or is it but an old dreadful memory, a mere, association of emotional connection to the subject
m: i would most likely originate my fear from the "old dreadful memory, a mere, association of emotional connection to the subject."
D: care to elaborate
m: well.
m: it's simple really
m: chemistry = fail.
m: no.
m: chemistry = epic fail.
D: not enough context to make an adequate opinion i fear. however, i will just assume you had a few consecutive "bad" experiences with chemistry, and now you believe it is beyond you. which of course is just absurd
m: yes, yes, make that very assumption.
D: as long as we agree it is absurd ^_^
m: mm....
D: or shall we play with the rhetoric a bit...
D: ridiculous?
m: i must disagree. it is galaxies beyond.
D: asinine
D: sigh
D: u make me head hurt
D: :o" src="aolbart:/1024/id/2B00000281/3E3A6F" unselectable="on">
m: you make MY head hurt lol
D: aye, an eye for an eye
m: aye.
D: eye
m: i.
m: uh
m: what a nice eye.
D: that's mine
m: wow, it is very hypnotizing.
D: that's how i get the women
D: = \
m: or should i say hypnotEYEzing
D: lol
m: bah
m: wow, italicized AND bolded...score for marissa
m: AND underlined*
D: dont forget underlined
D: word.
D: that is
D: the whole package
m: mos def
D: u have reached womanhood
D: u are now a woman
D: congratulations
m: YES. ive waited all my life to get out that whole britney 'not a girl, not yet a woman' stage
m: god, that took forever.
D: yeah
D: all it took was a display of ur masterful comedic skills
D: to a certified womanhood-er person no less
D: that would be me~
m: cue exhilirating motivational music
m: or the alleluia hymn.
D: lol
D: yeah
D: grats

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