Monday, June 9, 2008

the sidekick stories 03

there comes a time in a woman's life when she must scour the world, or her nearby shopping malls, to purchase the one, the only, Rock Band.

Okay, so I just threw this in for kicks. The night Calmindon went awry.

The dope ass restroom sign intrigued me.

This basically diverted Alison and my attention, thus missing our ATM stop.

Life-size Elmo.

The craziest Star Wars figurine section I have ever seen.

It couldn't even fit in the camera screen. So I took two shots.

This is a silly display. It's funny how all the boxes are for the male anatomy.

This got me excited for the new Batman movie. Except, Batman isn't really made up of Legos.

The model Alison was staring at. Not because his hand was in his pants, of course.

There seems to be a cool fountain everywhere I go.


Bam. Welcome to South Coast. That's the bridge we got hit on.

And this is where we received our hunger salvation.

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